Albert Walter Johnson 1 2
- Født: 2 Dec. 1893, Lake Preston, Kingsbury, South Dakota, USA 1 2 3
- Død: 7 Feb. 1896, Lake Preston, Kingsbury, South Dakota, USA i en alder af 2 år 1 3
- Begravet: 8 Feb. 1896, Lake Preston, Kingsbury, South Dakota, USA 3
1. Twin to Alfred.
2. Future
BAPM: MAP LATI N44.3636 LONG W97.3773 DEAT: CONC d with diphtheria, a life-threatening respiratory infection.
ALBERTWALTER JOHNSON was born on 02 Dec 1893 in Lake Preston, Kingsbury, South Dakota, USA (Twin of Alfred.). He died on 07 Feb 1896 in Lake Preston, Kingsbury, South Dakota, USA (Membranous Croup. At one time, the term croup was primarily associated with diphtheria, a life-threatening respiratory infection.). Albert Walter Johnson was buried on 08 Feb 1896 in Lake Preston, Kingsbury, South Dakota, USA (Lake Preston City Cemetery, no headstone, Lot 3, Block 34, plot 4).
OBITUARY - Albert Johnson Lake Preston Times, Lake Preston, South Dakota, February 14, 1896, Volume XV, Number #19, Page 4, Col 2.
Repository: South Dakota Archives, located in South Dakota Cultural Center, Pierre, SD. No title --- --- The death of Albert, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Johnson, occurred on Friday morning, Feb. 7th, 1896, of membranous croup. Albert was one of the twin boys, aged 2 years, 2 months and five days. He had been sick for several weeks and was just recovering from a severe time with scarlatina, when the fatal disease took hold of him. Funeral services were held at the parents' home on Saturday afternoon conducted by Rev. N. A. Stubkjaer, and the remains buried in the Lake Preston cemetery. The relatives have the sympathy of all.
Inscription The paper lying on the grass near the center of this photo approximates the location where Albert Johnson is buried. A fall of 2008 visit to the Lake Preston Cemetery found no grave marker.
Cause of death was diphtheria. Albert was the twin brother of Alfred Miriam Johnson.
Twin of Alfred.
Membranous Croup. At one time, the term croup was primarily associate
Lake Preston Cemetery, Lake Preston, Kingsbury County, South Dakota (no headstone) Block 3 (III), Lot 24, Grave 4 URL:
Albert Johnson Birth 2 Dec 1893 Lake Preston, Kingsbury County, South Dakota, USA Death 7 Feb 1896 (aged 2) Lake Preston, Kingsbury County, South Dakota, USA Burial Lake Preston Cemetery </cemetery/97187/lake-preston-cemetery> Lake Preston, Kingsbury County, South Dakota, USA Memorial ID85798538 · View Source Inscription The paper lying on the grass near the center of this photo approximates the location where Albert Johnson is buried. A fall of 2008 visit to the Lake Preston Cemetery found no grave marker.
1. Dåb: Lake Preston Evangelical Lutheran Church Lake Preston, Kingsbury, South Dakota, USA, 24 Dec. 1893. 2