Dennis Ray Hunter 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Name: Dennis Ray Hunter
Death Certificate #21923
Dennis Ray Hunter |
1, Web: Texas, Find A Grave Index, 1761-2012 (Name: Operations, Inc; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 2 012;).
2 Burial Location - [Find-A-Grave], Entry for Dennis Ray Hunter - Burial: Mount Olivet; Originally Created byL CHassell; Maintained by Roger Hassell; Record Added: Jun 290, 2009; Memorial #38555180.
3, Texas Death Index, 1903-2000 (Name: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc , 2006.Original data - Texas Department of Health. Texas Death Indexes , 1903-2000. Austin, TX, USA: Texas Department of Health, State Vita l Statistics Unit.Original data: Texas Department of H;).
4, Texas Birth Index, 1903-1997 (Name: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc , 2005.Original data - Texas Birth Index, 1903-1997. Texas: Texas Depa rtment of State Health Services. Microfiche.Original data: Texas Birt h Index, 1903-1997. Texas: Texas Department of State;).
5, Texas, Death Certificates, 1903–1982 (Name: Operations, Inc; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 2 013;).
6 Texas, Deaths (1890-1976) [], index and image of Dennis Ray Hunter, 03 Apr 1956; citing reference CN 21923, State Registrar Office, Austin, Texas.
7 Newspaper Article - "4 Brothers Die in Fire" [] (Name: Big Spring Herald; Location: Big Spring, Howard, Texas, USA; Dat e: 4 Apr 1956;), News article containing the death event of Vernon (5), Dennis (4), Gary (3) and Roger (2) Hunter, published in the Big Spring Herald, Big Spring, TX, 4 Apr 1956, pg 14, col 1.
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