John Christopher Haner Sr
(1772-1846) |
John Christopher Haner Sr 2
Full text of "Soldiers of the Revolution and the War of 1812 buried i n McLean County, Illinois" volu00cust/soldiersofrevolu00cust_djvu.txt Haner, John, Sr. b. Fayett e (?) County, Ohio, 17... [Sergeant. Capt . William Kilgore's Compan y , Col . John McDonald's Regt . Ohio Militia, (Fayette County, Ohio, ) July 28, 1813 to Sept. 5, 1813.] Settled in McLean County, Ill. abou t 1828, d. in what is now Lexington Township, Dec. 28, 1846. Buried i n Indian Field Cemetery, Sec. 20, Lexington Twp. McLean County, Ill. ( See Duis' "Good Old Times" 1874, Page 674, Pox 7, Case 286, Estate Fil es, McLean County, Ill. and Adjutant -Generals Records, State of Ohio. ) Wife, Mary ( ) Haner, ch. John Haner, Jr. Catherine (Haner) Brumhe ad, Jacob Haner, William Haner, Mary ( Haner ) Flesher, Elizabeth (Han er) Ashabran, Isaac Haner.
Sergeant in Capt. William Kilgore's Company, Col. John McDonald's Regt., Ohio Militia, (Fayette County, Ohio,) July 28, 1813 to Sept. 5, 1813
Sgt John Christopher Haner, Sr
1. Militær: War of 1812 - Sergeant in 1st regiment (McDonald's) Ohio Militia, Mellem 1812 og 1815. 2 John blev gift med Catherine Weaver, datter af Leonard Weaver og Abel, den 29 Feb. 1796 i Botetourt, Virginia, USA.1 (Catherine Weaver blev født i 1774 i Pennsylvania, USA og døde i 1814 i Illinois, Usa.) John blev derefter gift med Mary Neloland den 29 Feb. 1796 i Botetourt, Virginia, USA. (Mary Neloland blev født omkring 1786 i Illinois, Usa.) |
1, Virginia, Select Marriages, 1785-1940 (Name: Operations, Inc; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 20 14;). <i>Virginia, Marriages, 1785-1940. Salt Lake City, Utah: FamilySea rch, 2013.
2 Direct Data Capture, comp, U.S., War of 1812 Service Records, 1812-1815 (Name: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc , 1999.Original data - National Archives and Records Administration. I ndex to the Compiled Military Service Records for the Volunteer Soldie rs Who Served During the War of 1812. Washington, D.;), Entry for John Haner.
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