Orla Lillian Ostrom 1 2 3
Ostrum, Orla Lillian; Birth Certificate Index; Certificate Number: 192
Orla Lillian Ostrom Hall
1. Arrival: This record tells that Orla is 3 months old. North Portal, Saskatchewan, Canada, 10 Mar. 1928. 1 Orla blev gift med Roy Gerald Hall. (Roy Gerald Hall blev født omkring 1921,4 5 6 døde den 19 Sep. 1978 i Abbottsford, British Columbia, Canada 4 5 6 og blev begravet omkring 21 Sep. 1978 i Abbottsford, British Columbia, Canada 4 6.) |
1 Ancestry.com, Border Crossings: From U.S. to Canada, 1908-1935 (Name: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations Inc , 2008. .Original data - Library and Archives Canada. Border Entries . Ottawa, Ontario, Canada: Library and Archives Canada, n.d. RG 76-C . Department of Employment and Immigration fonds. Microf;).
2 Obituary - Hall, Orla Lillian, Obituary for Orla Lillian Hall, age 90, date of death 22 Jan 2018.
3 Ancestry.com, Web: Minnesota, Birth Index, 1900-1934 (Name: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 2 015;).
4 Cemetery Index - Hazelwood Cemetery (Name: Abbotsford Genealogical Society;), Entry for Roy G. Hall; Birth: 1921; Death: 1978, Location: 118-06.
5 Ancestry.com, British Columbia Death Index: 1872 to 1979 (Name: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations Inc , 2001.Original data - British Columbia Vital Statistics Agency. Briti sh Columbia, Canada. British Columbia Vital Statistics Agency: P.O. Bo x 9657, Stn Prov Govt, Victoria, BC V8W 9P3.Original;).
6 Burial Location - [Find-A-Grave], Entry for Roy Gerald Hall - Brial: Hazelwood Cemetery; Created by: dsteff4246; Record added: Aug 31, 2012; Memorial # 96310267.
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