![]() Andrew Farrell Olsen (1912-1983) |
Andrew Farrell Olsen 1 2 3 4 5 6
son of Andrew A. Olsen and Annie Harriet Wickham
Andrew Farrell Olsen
1. Bopæl: Holbrook, Oneida, Idaho, USA, 1920. 6 7 2. Bopæl: Brigham City, Box Elder, Utah, USA, 1930. 5 8 3. Bopæl: Attending Brigham Young University Provo, Utah, Utah, USA, 1933. 1 4. Militær: Served in the US Army during World War II - Inducted into service 5 Ju, Mellem 1943 og 1944. 3 n 1943 in Salt Lake City, UT and was honorably discharged on 13 Oct 19 44 at Camp Bowie, Texas. Andrew blev gift med Enid Verbena Palmer, datter af James I. Palmer og Mable Gustava Palmer, den 15 Okt. 1971. (Enid Verbena Palmer blev født den 15 Aug. 1917 i Logan, Harrison County, Iowa, USA,9 10 11 døde den 6 Okt. 1974 i Ogden, Weber County, Utah, USA 11 12 og blev begravet omkring 9 Okt. 1974 i Brigham City, Box Elder, Utah, USA 12.)
MARR: CONC d married Cora Simper. Cora had died in 1966. From his Find-a-Grave r |
1 Ancestry.com, U.S. School Yearbooks (Name: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations, In c., 2010.Original data - Various school yearbooks from across the Unit ed States.Original data: Various school yearbooks from across the Unit ed States;).
2 Ancestry.com, Web: Utah, Find A Grave Index, 1850-2011 (Name: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations, In c., 2012.Original data - Find A Grave. Find A Grave. http://www.findag rave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi: accessed 23 March 2012.Original data: Fin d A Grave. Find A Grave. http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-b;).
3 Ancestry.com, Utah, Military Records, 1861-1970 (Name: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations, In c., 2011.Original data - Utah State Historical Society World War I Ser vice Questionnaires [1914-1918]. Series 85298. Microfilm, 25 reels. Ut ah State Archives and Records Service, Salt Lake Cit;), Entry for Andrew Farrell Olsen.
4 Ancestry.com, Social Security Death Index (Name: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations Inc , 2010.Original data - Social Security Administration. Social Securit y Death Index, Master File. Social Security Administration.Original da ta: Social Security Administration. Social Security D;), Number: 529-03-3834; Issue State: Utah; Issue Date: Before 1951.
5 Ancestry.com, 1930 United States Federal Census (Name: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations Inc , 2002.Original data - United States of America, Bureau of the Census . Fifteenth Census of the United States, 1930. Washington, D.C.: Natio nal Archives and Records Administration, 1930. T626,;), Year: 1930; Census Place: Brigham, Box Elder, Utah; Roll: ; Page: ; Enumeration District: ; Image: .
6 Ancestry.com, 1920 United States Federal Census (Name: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations Inc , 2010. Images reproduced by FamilySearch.Original data - Fourteenth C ensus of the United States, 1920. (NARA microfilm publication T625, 20 76 rolls). Records of the Bureau of the Census, Reco;), Year: 1920; Census Place: Holbrook, Oneida, Idaho; Roll: T625_294; Page: 5B; Enumeration District: 209; Image: .
7 Ancestry.com, 1920 United States Federal Census (Name: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations Inc , 2010. Images reproduced by FamilySearch.Original data - Fourteenth C ensus of the United States, 1920. (NARA microfilm publication T625, 20 76 rolls). Records of the Bureau of the Census, Reco;).
8 Ancestry.com, 1930 United States Federal Census (Name: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations Inc , 2002.Original data - United States of America, Bureau of the Census . Fifteenth Census of the United States, 1930. Washington, D.C.: Natio nal Archives and Records Administration, 1930. T626,;).
9 Ancestry.com, 1940 United States Federal Census (Name: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations, In c., 2012.Original data - United States of America, Bureau of the Censu s. Sixteenth Census of the United States, 1940. Washington, D.C.: Nati onal Archives and Records Administration, 1940. T627;), Entry for Enid V. Palmer.
10 Ancestry.com, 1930 United States Federal Census (Name: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations Inc , 2002.Original data - United States of America, Bureau of the Census . Fifteenth Census of the United States, 1930. Washington, D.C.: Natio nal Archives and Records Administration, 1930. T626,;), Year: 1930; Census Place: Logan, Harrison, Iowa; Roll: ; Page: ; Enumeration District: ; Image: .
11 Ancestry.com, Social Security Death Index (Name: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations Inc , 2010.Original data - Social Security Administration. Social Securit y Death Index, Master File. Social Security Administration.Original da ta: Social Security Administration. Social Security D;), Number: 508-03-0550; Issue State: Nebraska; Issue Date: Before 1951.
12 Burial Location - [Find-A-Grave], Entry for Enid Verbena P. Carter Olsen - Burial: Brigham City Cemetery; Created by: Kim Millett; Record added: Apr 20, 2006; memorial #: 14009794.
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