Berent Ommundsen Østrem 1 3 4 5 6 7
1. Berent took over the farm from his father.
locally called the Østrem farm, born on Bruk #6 (or sub-farm #6). Twi
Based on Berent being located in the 1900 Norway Census. Search throug
1. Bopæl: head of household at family's Austreim farm, called at Bruk #6, in Lun Lund, Rogaland, Norway, 1900. 3 d area 2. Dåb: Lund parish church/In Lund municipality. Moi, Rogaland, Norway, 1 Apr. 1855. 5 7 8 3. Konfirmation: Lund parish church/In Lund municipality. Moi, Rogaland, Norway, 26 Sep. 1867. 9 10 4. Bopæl: At family's Østrim farm, living with his father and step-mother Anne T Lund, Rogaland, Norway, 1865. 4 horesdatter/In Lund area. 5. Bopæl: with his father and step-mother Anna Thoresdatter and helping his fath Lund, Rogaland, Norway, 1875. 6 er with the farm/In Lund area on the Austhreim farm. Berent blev gift med Signe Mikalsdatter Rusdal den 16 Apr. 1880 i Lund, Rogaland, Norge.1 2 (Signe Mikalsdatter Rusdal blev født den 16 Feb. 1850 i Lund, Rogaland, Norge 2 7 11 12 og døde efter 1901 i Norway.)
MARR: CONC rried at the church. |
1 Marriage Record - Ommundsen, Berent and Mikalsdatter, Signe, Lund in Lund Parish register (copy) Number A 10 (1848-1885), Marriage records 1879 & 1880, page 213; showing Berent Ommundsen and Signe Mikalsdatter on entry #2.
2 Marriage Record - Ommundsen, Berent and Mikalsdatter, Signe, Lund in Lund Parish register (copy) Number A 10 (1848-1885), Marriage records 1879 & 1880, page 213; showing Signe Mikalsdatter and Berent Ommundsen on entry #2.
3 1900 Norway Census, Entry for 1112 Lunde (Dalerne), household 288031 Lunde, Austreim, stating head of household as Bernt O. Austreim., person no. 1900 Bernt O. Austreim-farmer & land owner.
4 1865 Norway Census, Entry for 1112 Lunde, household 207-5-67 Lunde, Østrim, stating head of household as Ommund Ommunds., person no. 1141 Bærint Ommunds. (son-age 11).
5 Birth & Baptism Record - Ommundson, Berent, Lund in Lund Parish register (Copy) Number B 3 (1848-1885), Birth and baptism records 1855, page 36; Showing Berent Ommundson on Line #15.
6 1875 Norway Census, Entry for 1112 Lunde, household 238-6-7 Lunde, Østrem, stating head of household as Ommund Ommunds., person no. 1514 Berint Ommunds. (born 1856, farm helper.
7, Norway, Select Baptisms, 1634-1927 (Name: Operations, Inc; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 2 014;).
8 Birth & Baptism Record - Ommundson, Berent.
9 Confirmation Record - Ommundson, Berent.
10 Confirmation Record - Ommundson, Berent, Lund in Lund parish record copy, nr. B 3 (1848-1885), Confirmation records 1869, page 261; showing Berent Ommunson on Line #9.
11 1900 Norway Census, Entry for 1112 Lund (Dalerne), Household Number 288, Person #1901 - Signi Mikalsdatter, born 1850.
12 Birth & Baptism Record - Mikalsdatter, Signe, Lund in Lund Parish register (copy) Number B 3 (1848-1885), Birth and baptism records 1850, page 11; Showing Signe Mikalsdatter on Line #6.
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